Making space for all God’s children • Serving our neighbors •
Celebrating life in Christ together • Encouraging one another • Nurturing spirituality
- Read the most recent Catalina Newsletter now available on our website. Just click here.
- For the South District current news click here.
- For the Desert Southwest Conference Digest click here.
Our Sanctuary is getting new flooring so we will meet in Fellowship Hall on Sundays at 10am. Please join us in the large building next to the Memorial Garden. There is plenty of parking in our east lot on Treat Ave. See you there!
Pews are being removed for painting, old carpet is being removed and will be replaced with commercial decorative carpet tile and new flush to the floor covers will be installed over air intake.
Thanks to all who helped clear the Sanctuary of Bibles, Hymnals, furniture, and pew pads. We did it in record time! It is an exciting time as we freshen up the Sanctuary. The contractors are working hard on the demolition! If you would like to donate toward our "Wish List" for the extras needed to finish the project, please mark your donation for the Sanctuary project. Blessings, Jeanne Manning
New Book Study With Pastor Mike Starts This Sunday
Pastor Mike will be leading a discussion of the book “Do I Stay Christian?: A Guide for the Doubters, the Disappointed, and the Disillusioned” by Brian McLaren. There are two ways to participate. For online/Zoom, we will meet Sunday evenings at 6 p.m. For in person, we will meet Tuesday mornings at 10 a.m. We will begin July 28th and 30th with an orientation to the book and plan for the discussions. If you are interested in participating, please let Pastor Mike know which day you will be participating by emailing him at [email protected]. Link to book: https://www.amazon.com/Do-Stay-Christian-Disappointed-Disillusioned/dp/1250262798
Volunteers Needed for Casa Paloma Women's Shelter Mission
If you would like to help with Casa Paloma Sack Lunches we meet the third Tuesday each month at 9:00 a.m. in the kitchen at CUMC. We are looking for volunteers to help make the lunches or just to donates items we need for the lunches. Please contact Kris Chapman at 520-401-3850 or [email protected] if you want more info.
Thank you Mary Beth!
A BIG THANK YOU to Mary Beth Butler who has done an amazing job managing our website and social media. As school begins, Mary Beth will resume teaching and the web and social media functions will be maintained by Susan in the office. Please send your posts for meetings, events, celebrations, photos to [email protected] and help us get the word out about all the exciting things happening at CUMC!
Volunteers at Poz Cafe
Our wonderful volunteers were recently at the annual Tucson Interfaith HIV-AIDS Network's (TIHAN) Pox Cafe co-hosted by Catalina UMC. Thank you for your service to this organization that helps so many people in need in our community!
Be sure to read Doug Wingert's report on more volunteer outreach in the August issue of Catalina News!
Seeker’s Adult Sunday School Class@8:45am-9:45am
A desire to enrich your understanding and faith is the only requirement. Join us for a variety of video-based lessons led by volunteer teachers from the class in Room H230 on Sundays.
Women’s Bible Study: Wednesdays @ 9:30am
After an eight-week break, we will resume on Sept. 18 for our next women’s Bible study: Sermon on the Mount by Jen Wilkin. We have enjoyed studies by Jen previously. The study is on Wednesdays from 9:30 to11:30, Sept. 18- Nov. 13 in room H230. Hope to see you there. Invite a friend! Contact Brenda Halferty for more information and to sign up. 520-481-6993 or [email protected]
Men’s Bible Study: Wednesdays @ 6:45am
ON HIATUS UNTIL SEPT. 4 when we will begin to meet weekly on Wednesday mornings in Room E23 at 6:45 am. For those whose schedules allow, we plan on going to breakfast at 8:00 am following Bible Study.
Together Tuesdays: First Tuesday of the month @ 5:30pm
ON HIATUS UNTIL SEPTEMBER. An hour of fun in Fellowship Hall for families with children under 8 years old includes light meal, singing, crafts and a bible theme each month.
We will have cookie time after the church service in Fellowship Hall. If you are donating cookies, please bring them to the Fellowship Hall with you and place them on the table in the back of the room! See you there! For questions contact [email protected] or 520-909-4404
Aug 04: S-Z Aug 11: A-G Aug 18: H-M Aug 25 : N-R
Saguaro Music Fest Tucson: Sept. 22, Centennial Hall: Click Here for more information
Listed below are the South District Lay Servant classes for Fall, 2024.
For those of you who live outside of Tucson - consider getting more than yourself to sign up for a class, carpool and share the expense of the gas. Classes will all be on the dscumc.org website.
Living our United Methodist Beliefs: UM Heritage: Aug 10 & 17 @ St Paul's UMC/Tucson
Facilitator: Pastor Brooke Wilkerson Registration Deadline: August 2
Lay Servants Lead in Conflict Resolution: Sept 21 & 28th @ Christ Church/UM/Tucson
Facilitator: Pastor Beth Rambikur Registration Deadline: Sept 13
From Your Heart to Theirs: Delivering an Effective Sermon: Oct 19 & 26 @ St Paul's UMC/Tucson
Facilitator: Pastor Ron Bartlow Registration Deadline: October 11
Introduction to Lay Ministry (The Basic Course): November 2nd and 9th @ St John's UMC/Tucson
Facilitator: Linda Sterling Registration Deadline: October 25
Questions may be addressed to one of the South District Co-Directors of Lay Servant Ministries
Gretchen Lofgren Kelly Deyoe
CUMC has an active prayer team, Prayer Partners, praying for our attendees, visitors and staff members throughout the year. If you have a special prayer request, please send it directly to CUMC by clicking here.
Please be in prayer for...
...Janet Williams for successful, upcoming surgery and recovery
...Safe and enjoyable travels for all this summer.
...Patagonia Community UMC, Sanctuary UMC, Santa Cruz Valley UMC, St. Francis in the Foothills UMC
...An end to war, violence and suffering for all peoples in conflict.
There are many ways you can give to the ministries of Catalina UMC. You can give online at CatalinaMethodist.org, you can scan the QR code to the left on your cell phone, or you can text the dollar amount to 520-441-8592. Your gifts are a blessing to our ministry in the community.
Are You Engaging With Us? Don't forget to engage with us on Facebook and Instagram! Just search for catalina.united.methodist. And be sure to like our posts as well as respond to them! We're also on Next Door!