JULY, 2024 VOLUME 73, ISSUE 07
Here's something I took away from Saturday's session at Conference that I would like to share:
MISSIONS UPDATE from Doug Wingert, Chair
July will be a very busy month for our volunteers. Click on "Read the article" below to find an outreach that matches your time and skills!
Here is all the exciting news from this year's Annual Conference held in Tucson.
Read Erik's insightful article about the changes ahead for us and how to view them!
We're breaking Together Tuesdays for the summer. In the meantime, Vacation Bible School is July 8-12, from 8am-Noon for kiddies aged 3-8. To register click here!
We kicked off our summer with our older kid’s summer camp; we have about fifteen kids attending throughout the summer camp (ages 6-10) and twelve of them are Catalina Alumni. Our Summer Camp will be covering themes such as Vikings, Star Wars, Pirates, France and Olympics along with once-a-week swimming at the Himmel Park Pool. Plus, in July a visit from the Reid Park Zoo.
In May, we honored our moms for Mother’s Day with several Mom events – Our 3’s did a Spa Day with Mom where kids got to paint their moms’ nails. The 2’s did Painting with Mom and Pre-K did Muffins with Mom. In June we honored our Dad with a Donuts with Dads event.
In our garden we are growing some beautiful sunflowers for the summer.
Chair Paul Newhouse shares the mission statement for the Multlicultural Growth Committee. Click Here.
Mark your calendar for these upcoming events:
Peanut Butter Challenge: Month of July |
We're collecting jars of peanut butter for ICS (Interfaith Community Services) who is trying to raise 10,000 jars in July for their food banks. Drop your donations by the narthex on Sundays or the office M-Th, 10am - 3pm.
Join Us As We Welcome Pastor Kelli, July 7 (after worship) in Fellowship Hall
Come and meet Pastor Kelli as we welcome her with coffee and cookies in Fellowship Hall after worship.
Vacation Bible School, July 8-12, 8am-12pm, H-Bldg, CUMC campus Fun and FREE for ages 3-10. Join us to learn about the wonders of God and Jesus. Explore through art, experiments, games and much more! Invite your grandchildren, their friends and any children you know! To register, click here.
Charge Conference, July 14, Room E-18 Following the Service |
We will have a Charge Conference following the service on July 14 as we change the roles of two current members on the Foundation Board.
In From the Heat Summer Siesta Concert: July 27, 12pm - 2pm, CUMC Fellowship Hall and Sanctuary Our second and final summer concert will feature organist Ilona Kubiaczyk-Adler. Lunch is $20/ea or 2/$30. Cash or credit available at the door. The organ concert in the sanctuary follows lunch. |
...New Hope UMC, Tucson; Grace UMC, Douglas; Sierra Vista UMC, Santa Cruz Valley; St. Francis in the Foothills UMC, Tucson
...An end to war, violence and suffering for all peoples in conflict.
Want to know more about the United Methodist Church? You'll find it on the website link shown above. Take a look. You'll be surprised!
Catalina Cares - E-news Weekly
Are you on the email list? If not, click here and fill out the form. We'll add you to the list and you can stay "In the Know!" every Thursday afternoon!
Monthly Bible Verses
If you would like a copy in print, please contact the office.
Did you know that you can become a Fry's Community Partner and every time you swipe your Fry's card a percentage of your purchase can be donated to CUMC? Stop by their Customer Service desk and choose CUMC as your community partner!
Know someone who will be celebrating their 100th birthday? Let us know and we'll celebrate with them!
The office is open Monday-Thursday, 10am to 3pm.